Publicity: Aviation Certification BIBUS METALS
announces the implementation of: Aerospace Certification of BIBUS METALS s.r.o. Reg. No. 2321000065
funded through the call:
Certification of Medical Devices and Aerospace Products and Organizations
within the National Recovery Plan – Digital Economy and Society, Innovative Startups, and New Technologies
Project implementation period:
October 17, 2022 – October 31, 2024
Download here: Publicity Aviation Certification BIBUS METALS
Publicity: Aviation Certification BIBUS METALS
announces the implementation of: Aerospace Certification of BIBUS METALS s.r.o. Reg. No. 2321000065
funded through the call:
BIBUS METALS s.r.o. expands its product range by copper alloys
In addition to the traditionally sold products like nickel alloys and titanium, BIBUS METALS s.r.o. set in business with copper-based alloys of the…
Dockweiler certificate 2020
Certificates for BIBUS METALS s.r.o. as the official representative of Dockweiler AG for the Czech Republic and Slovakia can be downloaded here .
Silver Medal for 20 voluntary blood donations
We are pleased and proud to announce that on 29.11.2018 our colleague, Ing. Monika Hauerlandová, was awarded of prof. MUDr. Jan JANSKÝ Silver Medal…